Slovakia GAS a.s. was founded 3.11. 2004. Seat is located on Muškátová Street in Košice. The company operates in the territory of the Slovak Republic, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.
At present, we are mainly engaged in the business activity that forms the basis.
In the business of Slovakia Gas a.s. there is a predominance of purchasing and selling strategic raw materials, petroleum products, and, last but not least, food and agricultural commodities. Our company also deals with the sale of asphalt, polymer – bituminous materials, which are designed to extend the life of asphalt – concrete surfaces and are mainly produced for transport infrastructure, airports and housing – communal buildings. Our advantage is direct deliveries and rich use of contacts that we have gained in years of action in the markets. The experience of our team is based on long-term cooperation in the given areas.
We deal with the purchase and sale of the following commodities:
- Gas
- Petroleum products (diesel, oil, gasoline and others)
- Coal
- Anthracite
- Iron ore, iron-ore concentrates and pellets
- Food commodities
- Agricultural commodities
We offer these products for sale
- Asphalt of all types (polymers)
- Protective and refreshing BRIT blends
- BRIT branding
- BRIT waterproofing grit – insulation
- Polymer-bitumen git, BRIT liquid rubber
Direct contact and presentation services
Active communication with state administration and self-government
Communication with representatives of business companies
Certification of commodities and third-party products for trading conditions in the EU
Slovakia Gas a.s.
Muškátová 5
040 11 Košice
Slovenska republika
IČO : 36585769
DIČ : 2021900628
IČ DPH : SK2021900628
Obchodný register : Okresný súd Košice I , oddiel : Sa , Vložka číslo : 1304/V
Telefón :+421 905 904 416, +421 918 981 928
e-mail :
If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us